
What does product information mean?

Product information is everything a customer needs to know about a product unit: a capacious name, detailed characteristics, an interesting description, and high-quality photos. This data is filled in during the creation of the corresponding product cards on marketplaces and online stores.
If you are a frequent visitor to marketplaces, you may have noticed that the names of the goods on the cards do not always correspond to the images. It happens for several reasons, the main of which are the content manager's carelessness and randomness. There is a big chance of missing several titles or making mistakes when filling out with manual editing.
To avoid this, software solutions such as PIM are being implemented, including versions with MDM integration. The first allows you to edit groups of similar products, and the second is responsible for the master data, automatically "pulled" to the corresponding products.
Characteristics are special properties of a product, its distinctive features. For example, smartphone characteristics are data about the processor, the amount of memory, and the camera. Separately, this is trivial information about each element, but in the aggregate, it is a clear list of design features of the device.

One of the essential characteristics is the material. For example, the body for some gadgets or upholstery and covers for cars. It may be briefly indicated as glass, plastic, textiles, or wood. But what if you need a more detailed clarification? For example, footwear can be leather, suede, or synthetic. These materials also have variations. This column is required for the cards of the product unit to let the buyers know what they are buying.

Characteristics are not just for informational purposes: they play an important role for the buyer, helping make the right decision when choosing a product.
Unlike the rest of the cells, the description requires manual filling. Creating a description is a laborious process because it is necessary to think through each element: a headline, a tenacious introduction, and informative text that motivates a call to action. In addition, the description should take into account all the requirements for SEO and style.

The more attractive, competent, and reliable the product is described, the higher the interest from customers will be. Part of the routine work of content managers is simplified by specialized PIM solutions that allow you to batch edit similar descriptions and make them more unique.
Pictures and videos
These are, in fact, the same descriptions and key characteristics of the product, only in a convenient visual format. Pictures, 3D, and videos are an integral part of the product item card and show the "face" of the item. The more realistic the visual, the higher the chance to sell the item.

Now the Internet is flooded with edited images with maximum contrast and creative composition, so natural photography is highly demanded. Thanks to visualization, users can evaluate the product without leaving home and make an entirely deliberate order.

These are the essential pieces of information about a product. Separately, they cannot fully convey the essence of the product. But if you collect all the data into a single system, for example, on the store page, they will answer all the customer questions and motivate them to buy.

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